New book

from Kathleen Lockyer

Nature Sense


Saving ourselves and our children by restoring our neural-nature pathways.


Combining insights into nature-connection and child development with actionable steps to make nature a vibrant part of your family's daily life.

New book

Kathleen Lockyer

Nature Sense

Saving ourselves and our children by restoring our neural-nature pathways.


A guide for parents and caregivers
seeking to mend the rift between modern childhood and the natural world,
ensuring their children grow up to become

healthy, resilient, and nature- positive humans

Transform your family life
through the power of nature

Imagine a world where your connection with your child is as natural and effortless as rain falling from the sky, where joy and ease replace exhaustion and disconnection.

This world is not only possible; it's within reach through the power of simple nature-connection practices.

Have you ever wondered what you might be missing by not integrating nature into your child’s development?


Aligning your parenting with the natural world is a chance to create:


- A deeper bond between you and your child, fostered through shared experiences in nature.

-  Improved mental and physical well-being for both you and your child, as nature’s healing effects take root.

- Joy and ease in parenting, cutting through the exhaustion of modern life’s demands.

- Confidence in your parenting choices, supported by a foundation in nature-connection that validates your instincts.

- A legacy of environmental stewardship and love for the outdoors passed down to your child.



Don't let these crucial opportunities slip through your fingers.
Securing a special discount coupon today, you'll be the first to know when Nature Sense is released. Get this book to ensure you're equipped to bridge the gap for a healthier, more connected family life.



As you integrate nature into your family's routine, you notice changes not just in your environment, but within yourself and your child.

Your role as a parent or caregiver becomes clearer and more fulfilling. The outdoors becomes a vast classroom where every plant, animal, and stream teaches lessons of growth, resilience, and interconnection.

These lessons strengthen your bond with your child as you learn and explore together, fostering a deep sense of belonging and understanding between you.

Nature Sense

Saving ourselves and our children
by restoring our neural-nature pathways

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Feel the transformation as you bridge the gap between your child, nature, and yourself.

This book offers stories of inspiration and practical explanations
to help you understand the connection between nature and your developing child.
It offers simple, yet powerful ways to strengthen your connection with your child through and heal disconnection. 

Unlock a more joyful, ease-filled parenting journey and validate your instincts against the modern world's chaos.

Be the first to know!

...and secure your discount coupon for

Nature Sense

Saving Ourselves and Our Children
by Restoring Our Neural-Nature Pathways:

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 Enjoy a special discount on your purchase when you preorder. Not only will you be among the first to explore the transformative ideas within Nature Sense, but you'll also save on your investment in reconnecting with nature, your child, and yourself.

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XYZ has given me so much time back

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~Jane Doe


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~Jen Doe

Hi, I'm Kathleen

Founder, occupational therapist, trainer, mentor, author, Nature connection specialist 

Nature Sense was born out of observing a growing trend among families and children; a disconnection not only from the environment but from each other.

In my professional journey, I encountered numerous parents struggling to navigate the modern challenges of parenting, feeling isolated in their experiences and often doubting their instincts. These observations were juxtaposed with my own experiences and the undeniable solace and clarity I found in nature. It became clear that the solution to many modern dilemmas lay in rekindling our inherent bond with the outdoors. Thus, Nature Sense was designed as a guide for parents and caregivers to rediscover joy, ease, and connection through nature-led experiences

Witnessing children light up with curiosity and wonder as they explore their natural surroundings, and seeing parents breathe easier as they find common ground with their children outside the confines of screens and schedules, has been a rewarding life mission. Through sharing these insights and strategies, my aim is not only to help individual families but also to inspire a societal shift towards embracing our neural-nature pathways for healthier, more connected generations to come.

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What you will learn

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

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Talk to the outcome of  your module. What will your students be able to do or achieve once this module is complete? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non ultricies neque. 

Unlock insights
into child development and nature connection

Grow Together Naturally with all these results:

  • Facilitates Parent-Child Bonding: Builds an emotional connection between parents and their children through shared nature-based experiences, leading to deeper understanding and empathy.

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Engaging with nature has been shown to lower stress levels, providing parents and their children with a million year old relational experience. 
  • Improves Mental Health: The guidance offered can lead to improved mental health for both parents and children by fostering a sense of joy, connection, and fulfillment in their lives.
  • Healing from ACES: Nature is a proven therapeutic experience for parents who suffer the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. Find inspiration and guidance in the pages to heal and grow with your child.
  • Encourages Outdoor Play: Motivates families to spend more time outdoors, which is beneficial for physical health, creativity, and developing a lasting appreciation for the natural world.
  • Strengthens Decision-Making Confidence: Validates parental instincts towards child-rearing in harmony with nature, empowering them to make confident decisions amidst societal pressures.
  • Fosters Environmental Stewardship: Instills values of care and respect for the environment in young children, creating a generation more committed to preserving our planet, and each other.
  • Provides Educational Value: Offers insight into how nature affects child development positively, equipping parents with knowledge to support their child's growth holistically.
  • Cultivates Family Memories: Creates opportunities for memorable experiences in nature that enrich family bonds and become cherished moments over time. 


XYZ has given me so much time back

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~Jane Doe


My Business has gone from strength to strength

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

~James Doe

Nature Sense

Saving ourselves and our children
by restoring our neural-nature pathways

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Imagine a future
where your intuition as a parent is not only validated but celebrated.

Where every step outside opens a doorway to
wonder, learning, and healing for both you and your child.

This isn't just a dream. It's within your grasp.

Don't let another day pass in the shadow of doubt and disconnection.

Embrace the journey back to nature, back to joy, and back to the heart of your family.
Secure your copy of Nature Sense now, and take the first step towards healing generations of disconnection disorders by restoring our neural-nature pathways.